in association with Essex Mediation Online
email: info@londonmediationonline.co.uk
Family and Civil Mediation for London
Experienced FMC and CMC licensed mediators provide online mediation at reasonable costs.
London Mediation provides a discreet and trustworthy service.
London Mediation Online
London Mediation Online is a service provided by a group of mediators who have been working together for more than 17 years.
We provide the following services:
Online appointments that are more productive
Weekend and evening appointments
Information on the mediation procedure and how to access it
Favourable fees (reduced for clients on Universal Credit)
Service of a hands-on mediator
Members of the FMA and Resolution professional bodies who are FMC and CMC accredited mediators.
Family Mediation vouchers worth £500 are available from the government, subject to availability.

Why Should You Mediate?
Mediation saves time and money by helping parties to reach an agreement.
Mediators can assist each party in exploring their difficulties and possibilities and assisting in the negotiation of solutions.
Court proceedings can be costly and time-consuming, and the final decision is sometimes made by a judge rather than the parties involved.
These disadvantages can lead to increased conflict and tension among all parties involved.
Our skilled mediators work in a client-centred manner to assist you in resolving your disputes without the time and expense of going to court.

We are experienced in both family and civil mediation

Resolving disputes concerning contact with children , property and finance and civil mediation
Resolving disputes over contact with children, property and finances, and civil mediation.
Mediation is a method of addressing concerns and resolving disagreements that arise when couples divorce or separate. Mediation enables couples to reach agreements on child arrangements, property, and finances.
Mediation can assist divorcing couples in avoiding the court process, which is known to be costly and stressful for all parties involved. We are conflict resolution experts who will work tirelessly to help you reach an agreement.
We understand that resolving your differences when a relationship ends is a highly emotional and challenging time for you and your entire family. Mediation is non-confrontational, and our unbiased, non-judgmental process will save you time, money, and emotional stress.

The world we live in today is constantly evolving. As we use new technologies more frequently, we are living our lives at a faster pace.
Disputes and disagreements will inevitably emerge at work and in our personal life at various periods and with differing degrees of seriousness. What appeared to be clear and straightforward can subsequently become complicated and convoluted.
Litigation follows disputes, which may be stressful, costly, and time-consuming. A disagreement may begin as a minor matter, but it may quickly escalate into an uncontrolled problem with far-reaching consequences in many areas of your life.
When resolving a disagreement, mediation is usually a good option. Consider how liberated you'd feel if you could wake up tomorrow with your dispute settled!
We are confident in our ability to help you. We will refund 50% of our fee if the case does not settle due to the mediation!